Bentley LumenRT for NVIDIA Omniverse Help

Content Browser

Items listed in the Content Browser provide meaningful information about the asset without opening it.

This Browser display a thumbnail based on one of the following asset types.

  1. USD
  2. USD-Layers
  3. MDL
  4. Image

Hovering your mouse over the file name of an asset will show the following.

  1. Full file path
  2. File Size
  3. Date Modified
  4. Date Created
Allows to Import USD files into the scene

Allows to navigate quickly between recent directory locations

Next to the , the long search bar called Breadcrumbs

Shows the full path of where they currently are in the directory structure, clicking on any part of the path takes the user to that directory

Context sensitive searching
Filters allow users to look for specific content based on asset type. AS Example, Audio, Materials, Props, Scripts, Stages, Textures
Allows control the look of the output in the Content Browser to their preference. The slider allows for scaling of the icons in folder view with the smallest setting switching modes to "list view". When in List View, Columns can be dragged at the dividers to arrange a convenient spacing